
Is that water safe to drink?

So we are drinking tonight. We are watching the floaties in the drinks and talking about giardia. The “Rustic” B&B woman said we could safely drink the water. But I still wonder, will the vodka kill everything in the floaties? Will we be stopping the bikes every miles to hit the lou (Alaskan style) tomorrow? Beaver Fever in Beaver?

A very cloudy glass of water with bits of floating pieces

That is a clear glass… can you see the lamp behind it?

We got cool pastries in the Village Bakery in Haines Junction. This place is a must do! Cherry strudel (giardia or not) was incredible!

We pulled out of Haines this morning after having breakfast at the Bamboo Room, which was a local heart attack on a plate kinda joint. They even had an AED – Automatic External Defibrillator on the wall. We wandered around the subdivision streets for a bit before we recognized we were lost. Yes I know, in Haines, but nonetheless it took us a bit to get righted. Once on the road, the scenery changed to the Chilkat River. Thousands of eagles congregate on this river every fall/winter to feed off the dead fish (from spawning). Of course, this time of year is not the time to see that, but we happened on a couple of local Alaskan fishermen that were going for sockeye salmon. They spent some time explaining to me that there was a Canadian bar code stamped on the Canadian fish swimming upstream, as opposed to the amerikan fish that were more natural. Listen in… covert filming.

(By the way, in the time that it took me to type this much of my blog, the floaties have become sediment in my drink – much easier to handle).

The B&B woman warned us of a bear in the area last night. All day I thought about my motorcycle being trashed by a bear on the account that it could smell the protein bars buried deep in my panniers. Should I take the protein bars into the “rustic” cabin made of flimsy screens and plywood? I think not! I will call a tow truck to recover the bite/slash job to my tires and cables, should that occur. We are staying right on the beach of Kluane Lake in the middle of the ghost town Silver City. Although the place is rustic (this meant we slept in the equivalent of Jaz’s plywood shed last night), and the water is questionable, the view was absolutely amazing! I would stay here again.

Inside of a rustic cabin with a dresser and two motorcycle jackets hanging

Does this not look like a shed?

In the evening, we wandered on the beach which was covered with an impressive field of dwarf fireweed before the sand, and then of course there was the teal colored water. I got stuck in the silty clay mud on the beach and nearly had to dig for my shoe (no laughing family members). We walked the entire beach and ghost town area and only came across one pile of bear scat. This is an improvement from what Jaz termed the “Shit Highway,” (from Haines to the summit) on account of all the bear poop we witnessed. We explored the ruins of Silver City, many of which are on their final leg before they collapse. We didn’t dare go close to any of the structures but one.

Judy taking pictures while kneeling in a field of purple fireweed surrounded by mountains

Me shooting the dwarf fireweed just outside my door on the banks of Kluane Lake.

The ride over the top on the Haines Highway was impressive, although not as impressive as the Klondike. If you can only do one, I recommend the Klondike. I tried filming the ride, but I forgot to turn the camera on. Keeping up with the Go Pro is more complicated than one would think.

Judy in full gear standing beside her motorcycle with snow capped mountains in the distance

At the top of Haines Summit – Haines Highway

Here are the things that passed through my crooked mind as I enjoyed this spectacular scenery:
  • My iPod blew out on the trip. Equipment failure! Unrecoverable.
  • I think it is a good thing to keep the little plastic deodorant protector in place for motorcycle trips because the vibrations destroy deodorants.
  • The last hotel (Hisingsomething or rather) had plenty of outlets in its rooms – a first! I could charge everything and not feel guilty for stealing the plugs.
  • It doesn’t take much to make us happy: sunny days, lots of outlets, good coffee, and safe water.
  • I smashed my hand on the ferry. I hope I can drive; it was my throttle hand. Worst case scenario – I will cut off two fingers on my gloves to accommodate a makeshift splint. (Note* My two fingers are stiff and painful, but I can drive – no splint needed).
  • While near Dawson, we stopped for gas. I opened my tank lid and had just finished filling the gas. The level was very high. I was putting the nozzle back and had not closed the tank lid yet, when a big fat fly flew into the open lid. It fell in a stunned stupor into the tank. I watched it struggle in the deadly fuel. It died. My Buddhist mind takes a back seat as I worried what impacts this will have on my motor. I decided that the impact would be great on my motor if I don’t get that fly out soon. I search for a stick (always a first option for women), but find no suitable options. I decide to reach in with my fingers and grab the sucker, which is a big step for me. I grab the fly, throw it out on the sidewalk, and don’t look back. My Buddhist tendencies to try to save the fly do not kick in. Instead, my logical self tells me it is too late for the fly, so I move on.

I am sipping my drink down to the sediment line…

This morning we are contemplating a small flight over Kluane Glacier. Kluaine and Wrangell St. Elias together make the largest park/natural area in the world. If the weather holds we are going to do it.

Tar pits, bears, and broken down on the Alcan
Emerald waters, prostitution and pizza, and Jazisms
About Maya

My name is Maya, and I wander.


  1. Loved the "plywood shed" comment. Can't wait to see the photos. The first time I read the comment about you hurting your hand I thought you wrote you'd cut off two *of your fingers* to make a splint … then I re-read it. LOL

  2. Lol Liz… No need to cut anything off.. gloves or fingers.

  3. The photos you added do add to the ambiance. And the shed is, well, pretty much a shed. 🙂

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